Sunday, April 29, 2012

Whose Driving?

Sunday April 29, 2012 – 2 Samuel 4-5; Psalm 139; Matthew 16

S:  Matthew 16:24-26 Msg:  Then Jesus went to work on his disciples, “Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead.  You’re not in the driver’s seat; I am.  Don’t run from suffering; embrace it.  Follow me and I’ll show you how.  Self-help is no help at all.  Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to find yourself, your true self.  What kind of deal is it to get everything you want but lose yourself.  What could you ever trade your soul for?

O:  A life run on self-will will be lost.  But a life surrendered to Jesus; willing to be discipled by Him will find its true self.

A:  The world is full of the results of trying to run our own lives.  Everywhere you look you see broken, lost people.  People trying to live without direction and thinking to themselves, “there has to be more”.  Jesus is the More.    The world expends a ton of energy seeking fame, fortune and yet when they achieve it they find it was all an empty promise.  Jesus  invites us to follow him, surrender to his lead, give up our pursuit of empty promises and instead enter into a life of promises fulfilled where you will meet the you that your creator intended for you to be.

P:  Jesus my way didn’t work but yours does.  Remind me daily Lord to surrender the “driver’s seat” of my life to you so that I can truly follow you and become the person you designed me to be.  Amen.

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