Saturday, December 31, 2011

All Things Made New

Saturday, 12-31, 2011 – Rev 19-22

S=Scripture; O=Observation; A=Application; P=Prayer

“All Things Made New”

S – Rev. 21:1-2 “Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. Then I John saw the holy city New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.”

O – Someday there will be a new heaven and a new earth where the Saints of God, the Bride of Christ will dwell with Him.

A – As I reflect on these passages of scripture, I realize that we are coming into a new year and I’m always hopeful that the new year will bring about good changes. For instance, I went to my exercise class this morning in hopes of obtaining a new healthier, fit, more defined body. (lol) As I was having so much fun with all the girls it hit me that someday I will have a new body. Some are looking toward the end in 2012 according to Mayan prophecies, but I look for the coming of my Lord and Savior. I live in light of His coming every day. We as the church, are looking for a city whose builder and maker is God and we will dwell with our Heavenly Father who has prepared a new heaven and a new earth. We will have new bodies and be adorned as a bride for her husband and dwell with our God forever and ever. Happy New Year!

P – Lord we look for the day of your coming and for the day when we will forever dwell with You. Where you will reign forever and ever. Where there will be no more tears, for you will wipe away all our tears. Where we will be your people and You our God. Amen!

Friday, December 30, 2011


Scripture O=Objective A=Application P=Prayer

S- Rev. 16:11 “…men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven…but still they refused to repent of what they had done.”

O-During the plagues the people agonized in pain …yet they refused to repent.

A-“I am so sorry, please for give me, I will never do that to you again.” These are not always easy words to say…but repentance leads to forgiveness, mercy and salvation (new life). It is easier to say I am sorry then to say I am wrong…that is an admission we often hate to make…because we are often filled with pride and hate to admit that we are “human…sinners saved by His grace.” God’s Word tells us over and over again to repent (which means to turn away) from evil and turn to God. The lack of repentance in our lives leads to death…spiritual death, relational death and death to our hope in God.

P- Oh God, let me see with Your eyes…and feel with Your heart and compassion. When I am wrong help me to repent (turn away) from my actions and ask for forgiveness. Thank You for Your mercy and grace towards Your people.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Wednesday - December 28, 2011 - Revelation 5-9

S - Revelation 5:12  In a loud voice they were saying: "Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!"

O - The angels were proclaiming Jesus worthy to receive.

A - He IS worthy!  He is always worthy.  Why would we ever be ashamed to proclaim our faith in Jesus?  Jesus is worthy to receive honor and glory and praise.  I may not always feel worthy to be the bearer of this message, but I know He is worthy to BE the message.

P - Lord, I give You these lips, this mouth, this voice to proclaim Your worthiness with the angels for all eternity.  Use me, Lord.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

We are in Training!

by Cathy Weymouth

Tuesday 12/28/11 Revelation 5-9 - We are in Training!

S=Scripture O=Observation A=Application P=Prayer

S - Rev 7:14 Phillips -  The Lamb who is in the centre of the throne will be their shepherd and will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”

O - Jesus, you are our Shepherd, leading and guiding us.  You provide springs of refreshment midst the hardships and pain.  Father will wipe away every tear.

A -  Sometimes it is difficult to remember that this life isn't our final destination.  We reside in eternity already as Believers, but temporarily in this earthly place.  This life may be more of a preparation for our eternal home.  I joke sometimes that when we personally go through difficulty here, we are being trained for some fantastic assignment in Heaven that we wouldn't be ready for apart from this difficulty. So, it's worth the pain!

P - Father, you have our destiny in mind.  You call us, shepherd us, prepare us and finally deliver us to our heavenly dwelling. May we keep our final destination in mind during this preparation season. Amen.

Monday, December 26, 2011

The Model

Monday December 26, 2011
Ps. 117, 119, 81-176 2John-3John

S-Scripture O-Observation A-Application P-Prayer
"The Model"
S-2 John 6: And this is Love: That we walk in obedience to the commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.

O-John writes and compliments a matron Christian for her example of her expression of love, grace and mercy to people, and how her children are following her example. We should also lead our children in this model of following the example of their parents and to love one another.

A- As a parent we may not get it all right all the time. But when we see our children follow in the things that are right, and to follow in our footsteps in the ways of the Lord, that is not only pleasing to God but to us as parents. People are drawn to God's goodness and love, and when they see that in us, they are attracted by a light that is warm and accepting and they want to be near it for comfort and to feel loved. Even when they don't know why they are drawn to you, if you are living the life of a christian (and no that doesn't mean perfect) it means loving people, as Christ loves. He loves the sinner, and he loves the one you may not like........He just LOVES! That's what we are to model.

P- Thank you Lord that you love me, and that your love is in me to extend to others, even when I do not know it's being extended. Lord, continue your work in my heart that it may love unconditionally those that I may not like, but you have put them in my path, for a reason. Help me to be the best model for my children, that they may follow those things that are the good in me. Thank you for your love that covers the multitude of sin. Amen

Saturday, December 24, 2011

“That You May Believe”

Saturday, 12-24, 2011 – John 20:31

S=Scripture; O=Observation; A=Application; P=Prayer

“That You May Believe”

S – John 20:31 ”but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.”

O – John is sharing by the written Word the many miracles that Jesus preformed while He walked the earth and that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and if we would believe we will have life in His name.”

A – BELIEVE…This is a famous word at this time of year. It is also famous for, “what do you believe or who do you believe or what or who do you believe in? John wrote, “these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God.” I guess it all comes down to choice, and in believing in the inspired Word of God. For me…..I choose to “believe” as we celebrate His birth on Christmas day that Jesus was born of a virgin, Emmanuel, who made blind men see and the lame to walk, sacrificed Himself and died on Calvary’s cross because of His great love towards us and rose again so that if we “believe” we too will have eternal life and live with Him in eternity.

P- Father thank you for Your most precious gift of love. May our focus be on the reason why we celebrate Christmas and choose to….BELIEVE. Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 23, 2011


S=Scripture O=Objective A=Application P=Prayer

S- Luke 18:39 “Those who led the way rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, “Son of David have mercy on me!”

O- A blind beggar calls out to Jesus for mercy…the leaders of the group following Jesus told him to be quiet.

A-When the blind man heard that Jesus was passing by he called out “Jesus, Son of David have mercy on me!” People tried to shut him up…but the blind man was desperate…he wanted to be healed…here was his opportunity…he would not be quiet.

Like the blind man, when we are really desperate we don’t care who sees or hears us…we just want to be touched by God. Now that we have been saved and healed, have we forgotten what it is like to be desperate? Do we rebuke those who don’t “do it properly?”

P-Lord let me be a person who remembers where I came from and what You have delivered me from. Help me not to judge others, but to encourage them to come to the Father just as they are. Thank You for accepting me just as I am.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Wednesday, December 21, 2011 - John 9-11

S - John 11:35 Jesus wept.

O - Even though Jesus knew He was going to raise Lazarus from the dead, He cried the those crying.

A - It's okay for me to cry.  It does not mean that I lack faith that God is going to come through - it means that I feel pain, or sorrow, or distress.  Jesus wept - it is okay for me to cry, too.

P - Lord, thank You for the ability to feel and to cry.  Help me, Lord, to not be ashamed of my emotions - You were not ashamed of Yours.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

As Jesus Walked Along

by Cathy Weymouth

Tuesday 12/20/11 John 9-11 - As Jesus Walked Along

S= Scripture  O=Observation A=Application  P=Prayer

S - John 9:1,13-15  JB Phillips, Later, as Jesus walked along he saw a man who had been blind from birth... So they brought the man who had once been blind before the Pharisees. (It should be noted that Jesus made the clay and restored his sight on a Sabbath day.) The Pharisees asked the question all over again as to how he had become able to see. “He put clay on my eyes; I washed it off; now I can see—that’s all,” he replied.

O -Jesus happened upon this blind man as He was walking along and He responded right then and there!  Yes, it was the Sabbath, but that didn't stop Jesus from healing him.  I wondered even if it was intentional that the Father brought this man into Jesus' life on the Sabbath - to stir up the Pharisees!  (The man at the pool of Bethesda in John 7 had been healed on the Sabbath as well).  God was up to something!

A- Sometimes we just happen upon an opportunity to minister God's love, healing and grace.  I believe that these are indeed set-ups from God the Father - opportunities to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth.  Maybe God is making a point or maybe He is just sending His love to others through us.  It doesn't really matter.  What matters is that we are aware of these opportunities and follow through with reaching out when they come.

P - Father, you use your children to minister to others, just as you used Jesus.  This life is all about love and relationships.  Use us today to reach out to those we "happen upon" as we walk along.  Amen.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Less of me. More of YOU.

Sunday, December 18, 2011- John 2-4

S: John 3:30 – He must increase but I must decrease.
O: John the Baptist recognized that Jesus was the Messiah but some of his followers were concerned that people would follow Jesus instead of John. John had kingdom perspective and recognized that Jesus had to increase and that John must decrease.
A: John was sent to prepare the way for Jesus. When Jesus arrived on the scene John knew it was time to give the “spotlight” over to the Messiah. How different is this attitude from what we see in the world today? Everywhere we look we see people vying for attention, affection, power, control. Yet this is not the way of the Kingdom. If we want to live from a Kingdom perspective we must learn to set aside our motives, our selfish desires and let Jesus take center stage. Just as John knew that he must decrease and Jesus must increase the same holds true for me. I must learn to decrease so that Jesus can become the center of my life; so that when people view my life from the outside they don’t see Lori but they see what Jesus has done in and through me.
P: Father God I lay down before you today the selfish desires of my heart and any selfish motives I entertain. I want Jesus to be the main attraction in my life today. Lord let me decrease so that your one and only son who took on the sins of the world for me may increase.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Ask For Wisdom

Saturday, 12-15, 2011 – James 1-5

S=Scripture; O=Observation; A=Application; P=Prayer

“Ask For Wisdom”

S - James 1:5 ”If any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”

O - James shares with Christian believers the knowledge that if we lack wisdom all we need to do is ask God for wisdom and he will give it to us.

A - Sometimes wisdom is there for me and other times it eludes me totally. James tells me that when I “lack” wisdom all I need do is ask my Heavenly Father for it. The kind of wisdom I look for isn’t the deep and profound wisdom that make men sit up in awe, but the everyday spiritual decision making kind. The kind of wisdom that brings spiritual understanding in my faith walk with the Lord. The kind that tells me to stop and pray and hear and listen before I jump to conclusions, say things that I can’t take back, or interfere where I don’t belong. More often than not, I find that I learn lessons the hard way because I lacked wisdom. Like any parent whose child has made a wrong choice, I can hear my Heavenly Father say, “child why didn’t you ask me first?”. Maybe I need to do just that….ask Him for the wisdom I lack. This not only bring peace and harmony to my life, it will glorify my Heavenly Father.

P - Father, quite often I lack and fail to come to you and ask for the very thing you tell us you will liberally give me….wisdom! How much easier would the trials and tests of life be if only I would come and ask You first. Continue to remind me when I am lacking in wisdom that you have the answer…all I need do is simply ask. Amen.

Friday, December 16, 2011


S- 1Peter 1:22b " one another deeply from the heart."

O-In Peter's letter he reminds us that we are filled with God's love and hope and we need to love others.

A-This scripture emphasizes the need to love purely, deeply and genuinely, as God loves us. We so often say ..."hey love ya brother" then go on our way...not knowing what our brother is going through or what he may need from us. This is superficial love. Peter says love deeply...he doesn't say love those who love you...he just says "love one another deeply from the heart."

P- God , please help me to love deeply from the heart...I want Your love to flow through me to others. Forgive me for often being superficial.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Wednesday - December 14, 2011 - Hebrews 12-13; Jude

S - Hebrews 12:8 (KJV) But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.

O - If you don't get disciplined, you must not be a true child of the Father.

A - As parents, it our job to discipline our children.  It is not up to the neighbor to hand out consequences to our children when they misbehave, it is up to us.  They live with us and therefore we have the blessings that we can bestow or withhold, as we see fit, in order to encourage our children to eventually choose on their own to do the right thing.
  I am so grateful to be a member of the family of God.  And therefore, I am grateful for correction when it comes.  If I was not a member of my church, my pastor would not even bother to correct me.  But, because I am a member, and because I am not perfect, I am in need of correction (from time to time ;-) and that is why I receive it when it comes.  It makes me feel loved and I spent the first 29 years of my life feeling as if I wasn't worthy of being loved.

P - Father, I thank You that I am your daughter and therefore You love me enough so as to not let me do whatever my sinful flesh desires.  Don't ever stop speaking to me and showing Your love to me, Lord.  I am Yours.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Faith in the Journey

by Cathy Weymouth

Tuesday 12/13/11 Hebrews 9-11 - Faith in the Journey

S= Scripture  O= Observation A= Application  P= Prayer

S - Hebrews 11:8-10 JB Phillips, It was by faith that Abraham obeyed the summons to go out to a place which he would eventually possess, and he set out in complete ignorance of his destination. It was faith that kept him journeying like a foreigner through the land of promise, with no more home than the tents which he shared with Isaac and Jacob, co-heirs with him of the promise.  For Abraham's eyes were looking forward to that city with solid foundations of which God himself is both architect and builder.

O - In this faith chapter, the author of Hebrews is using Abraham as an example of one who walked by faith.  Picture what this was like for Abraham, journeying with family and tents, day by day being led by the Lord, choosing to get up again the next day, to journey again - to an unknown foreign destination.  I'd say that this experience would indeed require faith!

A - Likewise, often the Lord takes us on journeys to unknown places. I have several friends who are in this season now of daily choosing to believe that the difficult experiences they are walking through today is important for a better destination eventually.  As Christians, we grow and evolve, becoming more Christ-like, on these journeys we submit to - with faith in God's leading.  Unfortunately, it's often very difficult in the present day by day choice of faith (packing up tents and moving would get old after a while for me!).  But look back - isn't it better in the end and worth the daily sacrifices?

P - Father, we thank you for your leading to unknown places; You have our best in mind.  Our eyes must be on You and the prize waiting at the end of our faith and obedience. Give us strength to do the daily work and fortitude to hang in for the long haul.  We embrace faith - full confidence in the things we cannot see.  We trust you are up to something really good!  Amen.


Monday Dec. 12. 2011
S-Scripture O-Observation A- Application P-Prayer

Hebrews 5-8

S-Hebrews 5:8 (NLT) Even though he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered.

O- Jesus was calling out to his father with 3 prayers, and also asked the disciples to be praying for him, because he was feeling unrest and troubled in his spirit. His father answered his prayers by strengthening him. None of us has ever felt the shame of pain of sin, as Jesus did.

A- We often want to run from God with our sin, the crisis, or the troubled times that we go through. Yet, it is in this place, where when we are obedient to him and ask for His will to be done, and trust him, he strengthens us to make it through the other side, because he walks through it with us. The best example I can think of is watching a family member or friend (someone close to your heart) or even ourselves, make really bad choices and hurt you, and offend you, and that relationship get fractured over those choices. It is the blood of Jesus, that give us the strength to go after that relationship, deal with the hurt, and forgive the ones we love.

P- Father, thank you for your example of obedience and truth. Please guide us to obedience, and walk through the things that may seem like they are the most difficult thing to deal with, and yet you give us the strength and often carry us through, when we say “not my will but yours”. Refresh us each day with the knowledge of endurance and love. Amen

Sorry.....I missed my turn yesterday:( A little busy....I forgot!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Constant Vigilance

December 11, 2011 – Philemon; Hebrews 1-4

S: Hebrews 2:1 – Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away.
O: Pay attention to the things we have heard (the Word) or we may drift away.
A: One of the most dangerous places for me is not when I am deep in the darkest valley or high on the mountaintop but that “in between” place where everything is fine. No drama. No spiritual attack. Just okay. This is where complacency can set in and tell me that I don’t need to be in the Word today or I can miss church today or this ministry has plenty of people to do that – they don’t really need me. Complacency can be a powerful weapon in the hands of the Enemy. People just slowly slip away and they are gone before we even recognize what is going on. In my former life I struggled with addiction. The day I had been clean and sober for one year this older man who had been sober forever walked up to me and gave me two words that I will never forget. His words of advice to me were “constant vigilance”. I have learned that these words apply whether in the struggle of an addict to become free from the bondage of their addiction or in my daily walk with Jesus. Whether I talk about my sobriety or my salvation Jesus has given me precious gifts that I must protect at all costs. Constant vigilance is the key for me.
P: Father God thank you for your Word. Thank you for the freedom that is available through your Word. Lord let me never grow weary of hearing your Word, of reading your Word, of being a student of YOU. Let me remain forever vigilant against complacency. I want to be with you forever Lord. Don’t let me slip away. Amen.

Friday, December 9, 2011


I Timothy 5,6; Titus 1-3

S=Scripture O=Objective A=Application P=Prayer

S- I Tim. 6:6 “But godliness with contentment is great gain.”

O-Paul is reminding Timothy that we have “Brought nothing into this world and we can take nothing out of it.” I Tim. 6:6

A-It’s Christmas time…this can be a time of great stress, or a time where we can greatly bless. We do not need to go into debt every Christmas so we can get the things we and our families want. But we can be blessed by giving gifts of our time, and own handiwork. Some of us have forgotten how to be content with what we have.

P-Thank you God that we have food, clothing and shelter…how blessed we are! Teach me to be content with what we have.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Wednesday - December 7, 2011, Colossians 1-4

S - Colossians 3:12 Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

O - Paul is calling the church out for who God says we are and calling us to a higher level.

A - Compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience - are we practicing these virtues continuously?  For me, not all of these come naturally.  My natural tendency is toward selfishness, pride, anger and impatience.  But thanks be to Jesus, I do not define myself by my sinful nature.  I am defined by God who created me and I call out the holiness that dwells within me with Christ.

P - Lord, all these good virtues come from You.  Help me to live them and be them every day as I walk with You.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


by Cathy Weymouth

Tuesday 12/6/11 Philippians 1-4  BE REASONABLE!

S=Scripture  O=Observation  A=Application  P=Prayer

S - Phil 4:6 JB Phillips, Have a reputation for being reasonable. MSG, Make it as clear as you can to all you meet, that you are on their side, working with them and not against them.  KJV, Let your moderation be known unto all men.

O - Paul is exhorting the believers in Philippi to stand fast in the Lord, to rejoice, to not worry and to be reasonable.  This word REASONABLE really stood out to me today; the English word means to be sane, logical, moderate, sensible, just.  The Greek word for reasonable (moderation) is epieikes meaning equitable, fair and gentle.

A - What prevents us from being reasonable?  I can think of a few things:  stress and pressures of life, expectations that are not meshed with reality, past wounding left unhealed, wanting our own way without consideration for another's desires or needs. One factor to consider is TIME... it takes time to heal, to let go of expectations, to embrace and accept reality.  

P - Father, help us work through those things that cause us to be unreasonable.  May we extend grace to ourselves and others as we give the gift of time to arrive in a reasonable place.  We want others to know that we are working with them, not against them.  May our gentleness eventually come through as we work out the frustrations in our lives. Amen.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Soul mate

S-Scripture O-Observation A-Application P-Prayer
Monday Dec. 5, 2011
Eph. 5,6, Ps. 119 1-80

S- Eph. 5 25 (The Message bible) Husbands go all out in love for your wives, exactly as Christ did for the church---a love mark by giving, not getting.

O- Paul is writing to the husbands to be sacrificial with their love for their wives. To go all out, like Christ did......Christ gave. Sacrifice and understanding isn't just acts of kindness.

A-This is one of the biggest keys to a successful my opinion. I liked the Message Bible because it says "to go all out in love". What does that mean. For me, it doesn't mean get the "honey do" list done. It doesn't mean shower me with gifts, and buy me whatever I want. It means to understand what my needs are. To listen to my heart and my hurts, and allow me to share my soul in a safe and non judgmental place. Then give me back your wisdom, your opinion and share your soul back with me. That's why we have should mates, one of the best treasures God could give us. I am blessed to have one of the best soul mates that goes all out in love for me. Last night, he said "babe, I just want to work hard for you to see what is important to you come true and bees a success". Love is marked by giving not getting.......

P-Thank you God for the opportunity to SOAP today, and to realize how blessed I am. I pray that every husband would come to the understanding of this scripture to bless their wives and go "all out in their love for their wives". Families would be transformed, and broken marriages healed. May every woman, respect and love and cherish the gift of their soul mate. Amen

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Growing Pains

Sunday 12/4/11: Ephesians 1-4.

S: 4:1-3 – I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness and longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
O: Paul is writing to the church at Ephesus and encouraging the believers there to walk in unity.
A: Jesus came to teach us a radical love. An unconditional love. To walk “worthy of the calling with which you were called”. To love as Jesus loved requires us as believers to grow up. To love others before ourselves requires maturity. It requires us to sometimes take the focus off of ourselves and our feelings and put our eyes back on Jesus. When I get hurt or offended it is because I am focusing on myself. On how I feel. But when my eyes are on Jesus I can love the person in front of me in spite of myself. I can forgive quickly and easily. I can be right where God has placed me. I can be right with the world around me. I can walk worthy of the calling Jesus has placed on my life. Don’t get me wrong. I blow it. A lot. My selfishness and self-centeredness try to take center stage but today that stage is reserved for the one whose blood was sped for me. His name is Jesus. His love is enough. His grace is endless. His mercy endures forever.
P: Father God forgive me for my selfishness and for all the times my focus shifts from you to me. Lord I am nothing without you. Let my walk not be a hindrance to you but a welcome sign to your kingdom. It’s time for me to grow up Lord that I may sow seeds of unity on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

“That you may abound in hope”

Saturday, 12-03, 2011 – Romans: 13 - 16

S=Scripture; O=Observation; A=Application; P=Prayer

That you may abound in hope”

S - Romans 15:13 ”Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

O - The Holy Spirit imparts to the believer, joy and peace and hope.

A - Whenever I am going through a difficult time in my life, and things just seem hopeless, even to the point where it seems to be out of God’s reach. I come across a scripture like Romans 15:13 and it magnifies the power and glory of God over my life bringing me into alignment to the truth. Paul is praying, “that you may abound in hope”. He can deliver you from that place of despair and hopelessness into a place of peace, joy and yes, hope! As we pray for one another may we be mindful to pray the Word of God over our lives.

P - “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Amen.

Friday, December 2, 2011



S=Scripture, O=Objective, A=Application, P=Prayer
S-Romans 10:1 ”Brothers my heart’s desire and prayer to God …is that they may be saved.”

O- Paul is preaching about the importance of leading the Israelites to Christ.

A-If anyone asked me what my heart’s desire is…how would I answer? Sometimes we get so busy in everyday life that we don’t always think about our neighbors and friend’s spiritual life. I would hate to know that my friend died without ever hearing the salvation message, and having an opportunity to give their life to God.

P-Open my eyes oh God that I may see others as you see them…lost and in need of a Savior. Give me your love for them and the boldness to GO AND TELL.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Thursday, December 1, 2011- Romans 5-8

S - Romans 8:37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

O - Paul says we not only defeat the enemy - we reign victorious!

A - We are so much more than someone who wins.  We live in that freedom.  It's not just that we win battles - we get to live in freedom because of what Jesus Christ did for us.

P - Lord, use me to get the message out and help me to live righteously, only for You, Jesus!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Wednesday - November 30, 2011 - Romans 1-4

S- Romans 1:16  I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of salvation to everyone who believes:  first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.

O - Paul was not ashamed to tell people about Jesus because they got saved from eternal damnation when they believed it.

A - I am not ashamed to believe in the God who created me.  I don't harbor resentment against those who say I  am misguided, brainwashed, and just plain stupid.  I was once the same as my accusers and so I know that even THEY can be saved.  I like me (and actually, so do they!)  But, let me tell you, I couldn't stand myself before I believed in Jesus.

P - Lord, save all those people in my life who are blind to You.  Use me.  They need You, Lord!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Called to be Cheerleaders!

by Cathy Weymouth

Tuesday 11/29/11 1 Thess 4,5; 2 Thess 1-3 - Called to be Cheerleaders!

S=Scripture  O=Observation A=Application  P=Prayer

S - 1 Thess 5:11, So go on CHEERING AND ENCOURAGING each other, as I have no doubt you are doing.  JB Phillips

O - Paul is exhorting the Thessalonian church to stay alert while waiting for the Lord's return.  And to be an encouragement to one another in the meantime.

A - In the message Bible, it is worded, "So speak encouraging words to one another.  BUILD UP HOPE so you'll all be together in this..."   If we want to make an impact into people's lives, how we speak to each other can make a huge difference. I love the word "cheering" in this verse.  When I was a teen, I was a cheerleader;  I think I still am!  I love to encourage and build up.  I think it's a great way to foster hope and movement in the right direction.  As a friend said to me yesterday, loving and validating and seeing the gifts and strengths in another works better at motivating than a hard approach does.

P - Father, may we all be cheerleaders, building up hope in one another.  May we foster movement in the right direction through positive words rather than negative ones.  And help us to remember we are not responsible for other people, their lives and the outcome, we are just responsible to love and encourage them.  Amen

Monday, November 28, 2011


Matthew 28; 1 Thel 1-3

S: Matt 28: 17 “When they saw him, they worshiped him, but some doubted.”

O: Jesus has been crucified and now He has risen. He has appeared to the women and now he appears to the disciples. He was right before their eyes – right there – but still there were some who doubted what they were seeing.

A: Why is it something can be staring you right in the face but still there is doubt? It’s not easily understood, but it appears to be just part of one’s nature sometimes – to doubt – like “doubting Thomas.” God can clearly speak to us, but the enemy constantly says, it’s for someone else, even for everyone else, but it’s not meant for you. That little bit of doubt gets in the way and our enemy gladly snowballs it into major interference.

P: Jesus please help us to erase our skepticism. You offer everything and our misgivings nothing. Have mercy on us so that we can be hopeful to see you when you’re right there in front of us!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

An Alabaster Flask

Sunday, November 27. Psalm 125; Matthew 26 & 27

S: Matthew 26:7 – a woman came to him having an alabaster flask of very costly fragrance and she poured it on his head as he sat at the table.
O: The woman was anointing Jesus for burial. The disciples criticized her saying she could have sold the oil and given the money to the poor.
A: The disciples were acting under the influence of the world. They thought they saw waste and extravagance in the woman with the oil. Jesus recognized that she was preparing his body for burial. Jesus recognized her sacrificial act. How many times when we look at what “other people” are doing do we look with eyes of the world and miss what is truly going on. Why? Because we focus on the actions of a single person and don’t look deeper to the heart. We see with blind eyes. Perhaps not physically blind; but spiritually blind. We are called to love not to judge. It is not our job to change another person; just to love them and usher them into the presence of Jesus. HE is the change that we all desperately need.
P: Father God thank you for the woman with the alabaster flask. Thank you that she stayed true to what you had for her to do and didn’t worry about what other people might think. Change my heart Lord. Let me love everyone in my path today….as you would love them. Let my walk with you be my alabaster flask and its fragrance pleasing to you. Amen.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

“No One Knows the Day or Hour”

Saturday, 11-26, 2011 – Matthew 23, 25

S=Scripture; O=Observation; A=Application; P=Prayer

“No One Knows the Day or Hour”

S – Matthew 24:42 “Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.”

O – Jesus is responding to the disciples question, “Tell us, when will these things be?”

A – I love surprises, but I don’t like to be surprised. Now, that may sound contradictory, but there are surprises that you can expect, and then there are the unexpected surprises. Jesus spoke in parables and this seems to be turning out to be one right here! Someday we can expect our Lord and Savior to return. He has promised it! Men have tried to predict it and have failed in their attempts. If the Father didn’t make His son aware of the day or hour why would any man even attempt to predict the return of our Lord and Savior. Jesus gave us indicators and by the looks of things around us it could be soon. For those of us who are waiting for His return hopefully we will be in that watchful place of, “I knew you were coming Lord and it’s such a pleasant surprise! And not Lord, you surprised me I didn’t think you were coming so soon. That’s just it, we don’t know when He will return for His children. We see signs all around us. Hopefully we won’t be taken by “surprise” unawares, but be taken up to meet Him in the air. SURPRISE!

P- Father only You know the day, the time and the hour, of Your Son’s return. May we all be in a place of readiness, a place of watching, a place of waiting….in You. May we not be taken unawares, but be taken up at your return to join in the “surprise” that you have prepared for us.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Matthew 17-9

S: Matthew 17:7 “But Jesus came and touched them and said, ‘Arise, and do not be afraid.’”

O: The three disciples with Jesus on the mountain became terrified when they heard God’s voice speaking. They had just seen Jesus transfigured, along with the appearance of Moses and Elijah. This was just a bit too much for them. Jesus’ simple touch and calm voice gently commanded them to rise up and have no fear.

A: What a great verse to keep in one’s heart. When the terrors of daily life strike, we can simply repeat the words of Jesus to arise and have no fear, don’t be afraid. Jesus is reminding us that we can really do that which strikes fear in our hearts. I’ve learned over the years those matters that I didn’t think I’d ever be able to face or get though that simply by arising and putting one foot in front of the other, I did it – I survived. I will admit I was afraid and plain angry that I had to go through those trials, but I am here to say that a little voice in my heart kept me going. I cannot take credit because I wanted to crumple up and hibernate until it was over. How much stronger are we when we arise, listen to Jesus and while we may really be afraid, we do it anyway, because He tells us to have no fear? I’m still here along with many others simply because we heard that gentle voice.

P: Dear Jesus, where I am hesitant, afraid, unwilling, defiant, please allow me to hear You whisper to me “do not be afraid” and to rise to the challenge. If I focus on You and not the fear, I may amaze myself with what I can do instead of turning tail and running. I am thankful!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Wednesday, November 23, 2011 - Matthew 14-16

S - Matthew 14:29  "Come," he said.  Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.

O - When Peter was focusing on Jesus, he was able to walk on water, just like Jesus did.

A - When we focus on Jesus we can do things that seem impossible.  When we read the next verse, we find that when Peter turned his attention to the storm, he started to sink.  When we look at the dire circumstances around us, that's when we "sink."  Jesus wants us to have faith and focus on Him.  When we do that the impossible becomes possible.

P - Lord, help me to always see You in the storm.  I don't ever want to focus more on my circumstances than on You.  Tell me to walk on water, Jesus.

If You Say Go

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Jesus Enjoyed Life!

Matthew 11-13 Jesus Enjoyed Life!
By Cathy Weymouth Tuesday 11/22/11

S - Matt 11:18-19 For John came in the strictest austerity and people say, 'He's crazy!' Then the Son of Man came, enjoying life, and people say, 'Look, a drunkard and a glutton - the bosom-friend of the tax-collector and the sinner.'

O - Jesus speaks of the Jews complaining about John and Jesus, although their lifestyle was so different.

A - I love that Jesus was so fun! I can just picture him enjoying life hanging out in meals. I don't want a stuffy life. John's life would have been a lonely one for me.

P - Thank you Father that Jesus was real, down to earth, and hung out with the worst of the crowd. He is our example of fun and fellowship!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Facing Fear

Matthew 8-10

S: Matthew 10:30-31 “But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore, you are of more value than many sparrows.”

O: Jesus is giving instructions to the disciples for their mission to preach the Word. He is talking about fear – what to be really fearful of – damnation. He reminds them that a tiny sparrow is provided for by God. Since God knows exactly how many strands of hair each of us has on our heads, how much more then God will provide for His disciples as they spread the Word.

A: This is a very good thing to remember in life – that God is in control, to listen and to let go and let God. We need not be afraid because God “has our back.”

P: God, I try to be strong and brave, but I find it hard most of the time. Please help me to remember God will provide and through Christ, I can do anything.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The No Judgment Zone

Sunday, November 20, 2011 – Matthew 5-7

S: Matthew 7:3 – And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye but do not consider the plank in your own?
O: Jesus is asking why we judge and criticize others over some small, petty matter yet do nothing to identify the sin in our own lives.
A: It is our sinful nature that desires to be a little bit better than the next person and if we spend our time focused on the sin in other people’s lives than we don’t have to look at the sin in our own lives. After all focusing on sin in other people is far less painful that that look in the mirror can be. But it is my heart that Jesus wants to change and truth be told if I truly focused all my energy on getting my own heart right……I would have no time to focus on anyone else. I would much rather be a person that calls out the gold in those around me than one who calls out the dross.
P: Father God forgive me for judging others. I am far from perfect. Purify my heart Lord that I may better serve those around me; that you may find my walk a pleasing offering. Amen.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”

Saturday, 11-19, 2011 – Matthew 1-4

S=Scripture; O=Observation; A=Application; P=Prayer

“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”

S – Matthew 4:17 ”From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

O – Jesus is beginning His ministry at Capernaum located on the western shore of Galilee along the border of the two ancient tribes of Zebulun and Naphtali, fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah “The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, By the way of the sea, beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles: The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death Light has dawned.”

A – When I read about Jesus entering into the beginning of His ministry, I get excited! It’s like watching an action movie unfold. The powers of darkness are about to be invaded by the Light of the gospel of Jesus Christ. People are going to be set free from darkness and come into the glorious light. The sin that bound them like chains are going to be removed and they are going to walk in freedom. Yeah God! It’s the, “Never Ending Story” but, instead of the nothing (darkness) which attempts to destroy everything, it’s Jesus (our hero) the Light of the world who comes to save those who are lost and dying. He is the, “Greatest story ever told” and for those of us who have seen, and tasted, and are filled with this Great Light need to tell others the story, “Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand.”

P- Lord, You are the Light and you have overcome the powers of darkness. You are our hero and there is no one else like you. As I tell others of Your great love for the them, help them to believe and receive the message of repentance and forgiveness so that they will be set free from the powers of darkness and come into Your glorious light and be part of the never ending story of your great love. Amen!

Friday, November 18, 2011


Matthew 1-4

S=Scripture, O=Objective, A=Application, P=Prayer
Amplified Bible

S-4:19 “And He (Jesus) said to them, Come after Me (as disciples-letting Me be your Guide), follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men!

O- Jesus is calling forth Simon (Peter) and his brother Andrew fishermen to be His disciples.

A- What if Peter and Andrew had said…”Later God, I must do this and that, I am just a fisherman what could You want with me.” I wonder if they thought…I am not a learned person, I don’t speak with eloquence and I smell like fish? When God calls us to follow Him do we drop everything like Peter and Andrew and follow Him? Or do we say…I’m too young…too old…I don’t know the Bible well enough…I’ve been divorced…I still smoke…I still drink? When God calls we need to remember He is God and He knows EVERYTHING about us…yet in spite of that (or maybe because of that) He still calls. We need to respond like those rough and unschooled men Peter and Andrew. verse 20 “At once they left their nets and ….followed Him.”

P-Thank You God that You are no respecter of persons…You have forgiven me of all my sins and You remember them against me NO more. You have a plan for my life…I want to hear Your voice and be obedient. Teach me to say Yes God.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


November 17, 2011 2 Corinthians 7-10

S: 2 Cor 10:7(k): Do you look at things according to the outward appearance?

O: This scripture goes on to discuss belonging to Christ. If we belong to Him, we are His – inside and out – we are His servants and disciples.

A: Yes, I do look at things according to outward appearance, unfortunately, more than I should. I, as well as many others, make up our minds about things and people just by looking on the outside. Thank goodness God doesn’t! He looks at things from the inside – our hearts, our minds, our souls. He doesn’t care if my clothes are the latest style or from the past; He doesn’t care if I am a former anything, only that I care about Him, am willing to serve and be His disciple, growing and learning His ways. I look at things according to my authority – which is zero, but I still do it. The reality is I’m wrong in doing so – I need to look through the heart of Christ’s love.

P: Father, forgive me. I am human and weak and judgmental. May I share your love and acceptance with others, regardless of what reality I think I see.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - 2 Corinthians 3-6

S - Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

O - Paul was just speaking of our ability to see and know God and of veils being lifted so we CAN see Him.  And Paul goes on the say this - if you see and know God, you can be free.

A - It is in knowing who God is and what He did for us that we are set free from everything that troubles us.  We bring this message to the lost and broken, but we must also live it every day.  Do you believe?  Do you truly believe that Christ has set you free?  Then live in the knowledge of that freedom.  Show the world.

P - Father God, help me to remember to walk in the knowledge of my freedom every day and to show others the door to their own freedom - YOU!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Carriers of the Scent of Christ

by Cathy Weymouth

Tuesday 11/15/11 Job 41,42; 2 Cor 1,2 - Carriers of the Scent of Christ

S = Scripture; O = Observation; A = Application; P = Prayer

S - 2 Corinthians 2:14-15 JBP, Thanks be to God who leads us, wherever we are, on Christ's triumphant way and makes our knowledge of him spread throughout the world like a lovely perfume! We Christians have the unmistakable "scent" of Christ, discernible alike to those who are being saved and to those who are heading for death.

O - Paul shares with the Corinthian Believers that he and his companions were led in their travels by the Spirit of God.  And that where ever they went, they brought the presence of Christ with them.

A - I love what Jason Cooper said during the Sunday AM service 11/13/11, "Where ever we go, we take the Kingdom of God with us." The Kingdom of God shows up - whenever we do! Can you imagine the difference we make in the world as Believers of Jesus and Carriers of His Spirit?  Let's grasp this reality with excitement and expectation today.  We are spreading the knowledge of Jesus like a lovely perfume. We carry the unmistakable "scent" of Christ. Wow!

P - Lord, use us today to carry Your scent into the world.  Thank you for our jobs and encounters where we faithfully bring the Kingdom - because we show up!  May our attitudes reflect our excitement in this reality.  May we get a new attitude if we need one - and be grateful for the places and assignments you send us to.  We are proud carriers of your Perfuming Presence.  Amen!

Monday, November 14, 2011


November 14, 2011
Psalm 149, 1 Corinthians 15, 16

S: 1 Cor 16:13-14 “Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.

O: Paul has been trying to help the Corinthians to understand that the gospel he preaches is the only one, the true one. It is the word of God Paul preached that the Corinthians accepted. Others have been trying to sidetrack them with different teachings, causing dissension within the people and some turning away from the teachings of Christ taught by Paul. Paul’s letter warns them of false prophets, to stand firm in their faith, to be brave and strong and to do all in love.

A: We could use these scriptures as a daily mantra. We need to be watchful of what others preach to us; we need to stand firm as a follower of Christ. It will take courage too for we’ll most likely have to step out of our comfort zone to be strong enough to follow through. All that we do on a day-to-day basis – do it with love. Show the love of Christ in our steps, our words, our actions.

P: Lord, this is just what I need to hear. Help me to do it all for the kingdom’s glory and never for mine.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Love Never Fails

Sunday November 13, 2011 – Job 39, 40 & 1 Cor 13 & 14.

S: 1 Corinthians 13:8 – Love never fails.
O: All other gifts of the spirit will fall silent; but love will never fail.
A: Love has the power to change the world; to change a life; to heal a wound; to set people free. A heart filled with love can move mountains. Love doesn’t give up on anyone – ever. Love fills a heart with hope again and again and again. Am I a carrier of love? Of His Love? It was love that compelled an innocent man to freely give himself up to be tortured and put to death when he had done no wrong. That is love. We are called to be carriers of His love. It has to start with us. Is love our motivator? If we examine our hearts will we find love to be our primary motivator? Or are there other things that lurk beneath the surface – like selfishness, a desire for position or power, unforgivness, jealousy or lust? Ouch, right? We cannot sew seeds of love until we deal with our own heart condition. Are we truly willing to put others first – always? No matter how far we have come there is still work to be done. If we focused less on how to get our needs met and more on how to love those God has put right in front of us we could be the change the world so desperately needs. I have had the opportunity to watch people operate out of love and the miracles in lives that followed. I love my Elevate students – every one of them. No matter what I do I will not change their lives. It will be the love for Jesus that they see in me and that will captures them & change them. If my heart is clean the love of Jesus can shine through me. That’s my part. Keeping my heart clean so I can be used. There is no greater love than the love of Christ. That love will never fail.
P: Father God thank you for your love; for a love so immense you willingly sacrificed your son for me. I want to shine with that love; with your love; to all you put in front of me. Purify my heart Lord. Refine me so I can shine for you. Amen.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Members of the Body

Saturday, 11-12, 2011 – Job 37, 38: I Cor. 12

S=Scripture; O=Observation; A=Application; P=Prayer

“Members of the Body”

S – I Cor. 12:23 “And those members of the body which we think to be less honorable, on these we bestow greater honor; and our unpresentable parts have greater modesty.”

O – Paul explains to the Corinthians that each member of our body although they may appear weaker are necessary. Each has its place of importance for the whole body to function in unity.

A – We can convince ourselves that the things we do and our participation in the church body is insignificant and unimportant. Paul is telling us nothing can be further from the truth where each member of the Body is concerned. Whatever part I may play or you may play, in the Body of Christ each of us are important, significant, necessary one to the other. For those of us whose thoughts may turn to what I do is so small, Paul tells us great honor is bestowed. I believe in the end, our faithfulness in what He has called us to will count and will be rewarded.

P- Lord help me to remember that as a member of the body of Christ, whatever I am called to do is useful and purposeful for the unity of the body. Whether I am called to teach a Sunday school class, lead a Bible study or asked to assist in the minor details of an event each of us are needed and important to the other. Amen

Friday, November 11, 2011


Psalm 122, 1Cor. 9-11

S=Scripture, O=Objective, A=Application, P=Prayer

S-I Corinthians 10:13b “But when you are tempted He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”

O-Paul is encouraging the Corinthians to say no to sin.

A-Temptation is not sin. The devil cannot make us sin. Jesus was tempted but He resisted and He fought the enemy using the Word of God. This is the best example for us, that’s why it is so important to KNOW the Word of God. Knowing the Word helps us to not only overcome sin, but teaches us how to live a life that pleases God.

P-Oh God, thank you for always making a way for us to escape from temptation. Thank You for Your Word.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Job 35, 36, 1 Corinthians 7, 8

S: Job 35:13 “Surely God will not listen to empty talk; nor will the Almighty regard it.”

O: Elihu is giving Job a talking to as he feels Job is being self-righteous. Elihu reminds him that all Job’s good acts, thoughts and deeds are wasted if they are but performances rather than from a heart of faith.

A: Some days I just get so upset and bewildered as I ask myself how come those who go ahead and act wrongly seem to get everything they want, are never lonely, have all the fun, and well, frankly, they seem to have anything they want. I sometimes ask God why do I bother to be good, why behave, why serve others? What’s my return? That’s when I need to ask myself if I am doing for the sake of just doing something or am I working from a heart of faith? Are my words of prayer to our wise and powerful God filled with a desire to seek Him, a humble attitude and a readiness to live in His will? Are my words, thoughts and desires like eating empty calories? Where is my heart in all of this?

P: Father, some days I am empty and feel like I’m on auto pilot. I ask for the passion of faith, less of me and more of you. I need You for all of my being, for only then I shall be able to stand and serve as Your daughter.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Wednesday - Job 34; 1 Corinthians 4-6

S - 1 Corinthians 6:18 Flee from sexual immorality.  All other sins people commit are outside their bodies, but those who sin sexually sin against their own bodies.

O - Paul is telling us to run from sexual immorality.  The world tells us to indulge in it.

A - This message goes against what is screamed at us from our televisions, from movies, songs, magazines...from our friends.  The world tells us that sex outside of marriage is fun - not immoral.  And the world says it is not immoral because everyone is doing it.  But, sin is sin, not matter how you color it or how many excuses you make.  When you stand before God to account for your life, there is no way around it.  What He says in His Word is plain and true.

P - Father God, help me to get the message out.  Your Word is true.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

God Never Gives up on You

by Cathy Weymouth

Tuesday 11/8/11 Job 33; 1 Corinthians 1-3 - God Never Gives up on You

S - 1 Cor 1:8-9 MSG, And not only that, but God himself is right alongside to keep you steady and on track until things are all wrapped up by Jesus.  God, who got you started in this spiritual adventure, shares with us the life of this Son and our Master Jesus.  He will never give up on you. Never forget that.

O - Paul is writing to the church at Corinth whom he pastored for over a year.  He is encouraging them to remember they are not alone in this spiritual journey.  They are never alone.

A - Sometimes we may think that God has turned His back on us because we still struggle in an area.  But my Bible says that Jesus took it all, paid for it on my behalf and because Jesus did this for me, God will never leave me, walk away from me or give up on me.  His Spirit is always with me. I still think we are clueless as to what Jesus accomplished for us on the cross.  

P - Jesus, thank you!  You have done so much for me.  I believe that your Spirit is always with me, no matter where I go or how much I struggle.  And I thank you for providing the Spirit to me and reconnecting me with my Father.  You did it!  You rescued me from separation from God.  I am grateful. 

Monday, November 7, 2011


Job 30; Ps. 120; Gal. 3, 4


S – Psalms 120 “In my distress I cried to the Lord, and He
heard me.”

O – Psalms 120 is A song of Ascents and is a Plea for Relief
from Bitter Foes.

A - I am one who likes to look up the full meaning of
a word. I think I know what the word means, only to
find that it can encompass much more than I imagined. Take the word “distress” for instance which has an extensive and I might also add
a more inclusive definition. It means;
great pain, anxiety, or sorrow; acute physical or mental suffering; affliction;
trouble; A state of extreme necessity or misfortune, that which causes pain,
suffering, trouble, danger; liability or exposure to pain, danger….oh, and this
last one a damsel in distress!

The writer of Psalms 120 writes, “In my distress I cried, to the Lord and He heard me.” How do we know that the Lord heard him? He doesn’t expound on it any further, but
this I know, when my children or my grandchildren are in any type of distress
and they cry out to me, I do not turn a deaf ear to them, I respond! Now, if
I hear the cries of my children and grandchildren, how much more does our
Heavenly Father hear us? He hears the
faintest of cries. I will take it a step
further, we don’t even need to cry out loud,
He hears our hearts cry! My thoughts… I believe the one who scribed
the words “and He heard me,” could because
the Lord answered. The Lord’s ear is in tune with His children. He hears us when we call to Him. I can take comfort
in knowing that when I cry out as a “damsel
in distress”, not only will He hear,
He will answer.

P – Father I think of the many times I have been
sorrowful, anxious, troubled, afflicted, in great pain; and I can say that Your
ear was always turned towards my cry.
You never fail. You are Abba
Father, Daddy God the One who not only hears the cries of His children but who
also answers their cries. Thank you
Father for being my answer. Amen


Job 31, 32 Galatians 5, 6

S: Galatians 5:1 Stand fast, therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free and do not be entangled again with a yoke of burden.

O: Paul is striving to convince the Galatian people that by following Christ and living under God’s grace, there they will find true freedom from bondage, all paid for by Christ’s sacrifice.

A: Laws guides us with legal problems. Sports and games are played according to rules. How-to-books exist from A to Z. Government regulations guide banks, utilities and corporations as they do business. Religions have rules too – the do’s and don’ts to lead a good and righteous life in order to earn a just reward. The thing is – this is the one area I don’t need to worry about because that yoke came off when Christ went up on the cross. His sacrifice freed me and gave me the liberty to be in and have God’s grace. I don’t have to earn it – in fact, I can’t. It doesn’t give me free reign though to do as I please – then I would become a slave to the rules and regulations of the enemy.

P: Father God thank you for my freedom. Jesus thank you for your sacrifice that earned my freedom. I don’t have to be worthy of it – I just have to be yours. Amen.

Friday, November 4, 2011


Job 26 & 27; Mark 15,16

S=Scripture, O=Objective, A=Application, P=Prayer

S-Mark 16:6 "Don't be alarmed" he said "you are looking for Jesus the Nazarene who was crucified and He has risen."

O-The Angel is talking to the women who came to anoint Jesus' body...they were alarmed for they found the grave empty.

A-I was chatting with my 4 year old grandson and he said "Jesus died on the cross, so He can't help us anymore because He is dead." We went on with our discussion and I reminded him that Jesus rose from the dead and is very powerful and can help us. He agreed. His statement led me to many believe that Jesus is dead or powerless? Just the fact that He did rise from the dead proves that He is a living God...One who understands our pain and sorrows, One who is awesome in power and might, One who, though great, wants to commune with us on a daily basis, One who loves us though we are unlovely.

P-Oh Lord help me to remember that you're powerful, mighty, able to cleanse me from sin, heal my body, and restore my heart. You are a living, loving and liberating God. Thank you!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Your Will

November 3, 2011 Job 25, Mark 13, 14

S: “And He said, ‘Abba Father, all things are possible for You. Take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not what I will but what You Will.’”

O: Jesus is fervently praying to His Father. Jesus knows His Father can change the hardship and trauma of what is to happen. He asks if it is possible, that His Father do so. But, ever obedient and faithful, Jesus submits to His Father’s will.

A: Ever throw a tantrum? I know I’ve stomped my feet and howled on more than one occasion because I did not get my way. Obviously, my way was not what was right for me at the time. And oh yeah – when I really really really knew the decisions and choices I was making were right – yep, I was wrong. Did I ask God for what I wanted? Absolutely. Did I tell Him it was His will and not mine – nope! Am I learning? YES!! I asked for my will, my yearnings, my way. I can still do that, BUT, I’ve wised up and now I know, leave it to God regardless if I like the answer of His yes or no.

P: Father God, I am not as obedient as your son Jesus, but I am learning! Thank you for providing Your will – whether I was deserving or ready. I ask that my life be according to Your will. Amen!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Wednesday, November 2, 2011 - Job 23, 24; Mark 11, 12

S - Mark 11:13 Seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to find out if it had any fruit.  When he reached it, he found nothing but leaves, because it was not the season for figs.

O - The time of year was before the fig fruiting season, but Jesus still expected something from the tree.

A - Jesus expected to see evidence that the tree would bear fruit.  Fig trees that will bear fruit later in the season develop a crop of small edible knobs (taqsh) that will later drop off.   Obviously, there were no taqsh on this tree.  Jesus cursed the tree because it wasn't even working toward bearing fruit.  Folks, even if there is no outward manifestation of godly fruit in our lives, Jesus expects us to be working toward bearing fruit.

P - Lord, help me to always be preparing to bear fruit for You, in Jesus' name I pray.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

He Walks Right By My Side!!

by Cathy Weymouth

Tuesday 11/1/11 Psalm 121; Mark 9,10 - He Walks Right By My Side!!

S = Scripture  O = Observation   A = Application   P = Prayer

S - Psalm 121:5 MSG, "God's your Guardian, right at your side to protect you."

O - Sometimes we may feel alone and troubled, anxious about life and details, feeling exposed and weighed down by the cares of this world.  But God!  He is my Guardian who promises to shield me, protect me, and guard my very life.

A - I left Barbados Sunday, after performing in a Gospel Concert there this weekend, with a phrase from one song going around and around in my head!  This phrase flew home with me on the plane and then I woke up with it still singing in my head the next morning,

"He walks right by my side.  He promised to be my guide.  I never have to worry, I never have to fret... He is good, He is good, He is good!"  

Then I read this verse above from Psalm 121 this morning! Yes, God has a message for me! I love how He continues to speak His messages to us so that it goes deep into our spirit.  He is my Guardian, right at my side, shielding and protecting me.  I never have to worry, never have to fret -

P - Father, you are a Good God!  You encourage us through scripture and song.  You send us out with messages of your Presence continually with us.  I pray today for anyone who is anxious - that they will fall back into Your trusting arms and relax.  You are good and your are walking right by their side!  Amen. Want to be encouragaed? Take a listen to this catchy song called Oh Taste and See.   Here is a short clip from the concert in Barbados. I love Learie's demonstration of God walking by my side!!

And here is the full version (worth listening to) sung by the original performing choir.  It may just encourage you today!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Clean Within

October 31, 2011 Job 22, Mark 7, 8

S: Mark 7:23 - “All these evil things come from within and defile a man.’

O: Jesus explained to His disciples that unclean comes from within a person, not from an unwashed hand or utensil. The evil and viciousness that is expressed by human nature doesn’t come from lack of hygiene, it can be harbored inside and that makes the person unclean and therefore defiles a man or woman.

A: Oh how well I know that the worse thing anyone said to me has come from my own thoughts, feelings or words! I can be my own worst enemy – and doesn’t our enemy love to use that against us to make us even more despicable within. I also know that all my terrible thoughts about another do nothing to anyone, but they certainly affect me. As a human I am weak; the evil and ugly come from within me. It can destroy me and my relationship with God and with those I love just as effectively as if I drank a cup of poison. But, as a child of God – I have His love, the blood of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit to protect me and keep me strong to fight off the filth of darkness.

P: How blessed I am to be a child of God! Father I am grateful that Your Word, Your Son and Holy Spirit are there for me every minute of my life. Help me to keep it all in my heart so that I can shine from within. Amen.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Sunday, October 30, 2011: Job 21; Mark 5 & 6

S: Mark 6:37 – But he answered and said to them “You give them something to eat”…..

O: The disciples seeing the size of the crowd suggest to Jesus that he disburse the crowd to go find food for themselves. Jesus responds “you give them something to eat”

A: Its so easy to look around at the enormity of the needs around us and determine it is easier to just let someone else take care of them. Everywhere you look there is poverty, sickness, broken families, broken people. Let someone else feed the hungry. Let someone else set the prisoner’s free. Let someone else spread the gospel. Let someone else wade into the mess of someone’s life in order to give them new hope. Or even better – let them take care of themselves. We hide behind our phones, our computers, our roles as mother, father, our jobs, our ministry, our committees, our “busy-ness”. Jesus had an entire world to reach yet he took the time to talk to the woman at the well, to heal a blind man on the side of the road, to teach and equip those that would carry on when he was no longer with us. What if God doesn’t want to use someone else? What if He wants to use you? Right where you are. In your family, in your workplace, in the check-out line at the grocery store, at a concert, at lunch with a friend, over a cup of coffee ……….. We all have a story to tell. We all have gifts that God wants to use to set the rest of the world free. Woah………….that’s scary stuff. Yes it is. I will not lie. There’s risk involved. It requires us to step outside of our comfort zones. To try new things. To learn new things – sometimes from people we don’t think have anything to teach us. To look a little funny sometimes. To fail. I fail a lot and it hurts sometimes. But it’s not my job to worry about results. It’s my job to take the action. God has the rest of it. I’m willing to look a little silly for my God. I’m willing to fail. I’m willing to cry and get frustrated and discouraged and then get back up and try again. Why? Because God never fails. Maybe I’m just planting a seed. All I have to do is position myself so that God can use me and go when he says “Go”. After all He has a plan.

P: Father God help me to “give them something to eat”. Some days the only thing I have to give is you. That is more than enough. Help me to see this world as you see it. Every broken person I encounter is an opportunity. Give me courage Lord. Give me your truth. Give me your loving heart. Use me Lord as imperfect as I am today.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

He Who Has Ears To Hear, Let Him Hear!

October 29, 2011 Job 20; Mk. 3,4

S = Scripture O = Observation A = Application P = Prayer

S - Mark 4:9 ~ And He said to them, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"

O - Jesus is speaking to a great multitude His teaching was about the Parable of the Sower. The
seed being the Word of God, some seed fell by the wayside, some fell on stony ground, some
thorns and some on good ground. After the telling of the parable Jesus cries out "He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"

A - Every time I hear the Word of God being imparted to me, I want those seeds to fall on "good ground" so that I will become Christ like in character and produce a harvest for the kingdom,
but I know there have been times when the Word being ministered to me
fell by the wayside (that message was for someone else not me), the seed fell onto stony
ground (my heart was hard and I didn't want to receive it), the seed fell into thorny places
(that message angered me today, ouch!) Jesus is fully aware that I have ears to hear with
but He is also fully aware of distractions that may have occurred, or an irritation that came
my way right before the pastors message. His words "He who has ears to hear, let him
hear!" is His" hearts cry" to each of us throughout the generations to prepare our hearts and make ready (good soil) to receive the Words of His teaching by His Spirit. It only takes a
moment for me to bow my head and ask the Lord to prepare my heart before any message,
sermon or teaching is about to be sown into my heart. It only takes Him a moment to
prepare my heart to receive and to make sure that the seed falls onto good ground.

P - Lord Jesus, may my heart always be prepared in readiness to receive the seed that you
want to sow and may it always fall onto good ground because your Word is nourishment
and life to my spirit.

Friday, October 28, 2011


Job 19; Mark3-4


S-Mark 1:35 “Very early in the morning while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed.”

O-We are reading about the beginning of Jesus’ ministry here on earth.

A-Though Jesus was fully man and fully God…He still found it necessary to pray…it says:

1. He got up very early;

2. He found a solitary place,

3. And He prayed

What an awesome example of how we (who definitely are not God) should pray. Early in the morning is a good time we can meet with God before the distractions of the day, while we are fresh; seeking God to know His will for us today and to give us strength to live our lives for Him. If Jesus (who is fully God) needed to start His day seeking the Father…how much more do we as mortal men/women need to hear from the Father.

P-Oh God, help me to overcome my laziness, help me to seek Your face and Your will for my life every day.