Thursday, November 3, 2011

Your Will

November 3, 2011 Job 25, Mark 13, 14

S: “And He said, ‘Abba Father, all things are possible for You. Take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not what I will but what You Will.’”

O: Jesus is fervently praying to His Father. Jesus knows His Father can change the hardship and trauma of what is to happen. He asks if it is possible, that His Father do so. But, ever obedient and faithful, Jesus submits to His Father’s will.

A: Ever throw a tantrum? I know I’ve stomped my feet and howled on more than one occasion because I did not get my way. Obviously, my way was not what was right for me at the time. And oh yeah – when I really really really knew the decisions and choices I was making were right – yep, I was wrong. Did I ask God for what I wanted? Absolutely. Did I tell Him it was His will and not mine – nope! Am I learning? YES!! I asked for my will, my yearnings, my way. I can still do that, BUT, I’ve wised up and now I know, leave it to God regardless if I like the answer of His yes or no.

P: Father God, I am not as obedient as your son Jesus, but I am learning! Thank you for providing Your will – whether I was deserving or ready. I ask that my life be according to Your will. Amen!

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