Thursday, November 10, 2011


Job 35, 36, 1 Corinthians 7, 8

S: Job 35:13 “Surely God will not listen to empty talk; nor will the Almighty regard it.”

O: Elihu is giving Job a talking to as he feels Job is being self-righteous. Elihu reminds him that all Job’s good acts, thoughts and deeds are wasted if they are but performances rather than from a heart of faith.

A: Some days I just get so upset and bewildered as I ask myself how come those who go ahead and act wrongly seem to get everything they want, are never lonely, have all the fun, and well, frankly, they seem to have anything they want. I sometimes ask God why do I bother to be good, why behave, why serve others? What’s my return? That’s when I need to ask myself if I am doing for the sake of just doing something or am I working from a heart of faith? Are my words of prayer to our wise and powerful God filled with a desire to seek Him, a humble attitude and a readiness to live in His will? Are my words, thoughts and desires like eating empty calories? Where is my heart in all of this?

P: Father, some days I am empty and feel like I’m on auto pilot. I ask for the passion of faith, less of me and more of you. I need You for all of my being, for only then I shall be able to stand and serve as Your daughter.

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