Sunday, November 13, 2011

Love Never Fails

Sunday November 13, 2011 – Job 39, 40 & 1 Cor 13 & 14.

S: 1 Corinthians 13:8 – Love never fails.
O: All other gifts of the spirit will fall silent; but love will never fail.
A: Love has the power to change the world; to change a life; to heal a wound; to set people free. A heart filled with love can move mountains. Love doesn’t give up on anyone – ever. Love fills a heart with hope again and again and again. Am I a carrier of love? Of His Love? It was love that compelled an innocent man to freely give himself up to be tortured and put to death when he had done no wrong. That is love. We are called to be carriers of His love. It has to start with us. Is love our motivator? If we examine our hearts will we find love to be our primary motivator? Or are there other things that lurk beneath the surface – like selfishness, a desire for position or power, unforgivness, jealousy or lust? Ouch, right? We cannot sew seeds of love until we deal with our own heart condition. Are we truly willing to put others first – always? No matter how far we have come there is still work to be done. If we focused less on how to get our needs met and more on how to love those God has put right in front of us we could be the change the world so desperately needs. I have had the opportunity to watch people operate out of love and the miracles in lives that followed. I love my Elevate students – every one of them. No matter what I do I will not change their lives. It will be the love for Jesus that they see in me and that will captures them & change them. If my heart is clean the love of Jesus can shine through me. That’s my part. Keeping my heart clean so I can be used. There is no greater love than the love of Christ. That love will never fail.
P: Father God thank you for your love; for a love so immense you willingly sacrificed your son for me. I want to shine with that love; with your love; to all you put in front of me. Purify my heart Lord. Refine me so I can shine for you. Amen.

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