Monday, December 26, 2011

The Model

Monday December 26, 2011
Ps. 117, 119, 81-176 2John-3John

S-Scripture O-Observation A-Application P-Prayer
"The Model"
S-2 John 6: And this is Love: That we walk in obedience to the commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.

O-John writes and compliments a matron Christian for her example of her expression of love, grace and mercy to people, and how her children are following her example. We should also lead our children in this model of following the example of their parents and to love one another.

A- As a parent we may not get it all right all the time. But when we see our children follow in the things that are right, and to follow in our footsteps in the ways of the Lord, that is not only pleasing to God but to us as parents. People are drawn to God's goodness and love, and when they see that in us, they are attracted by a light that is warm and accepting and they want to be near it for comfort and to feel loved. Even when they don't know why they are drawn to you, if you are living the life of a christian (and no that doesn't mean perfect) it means loving people, as Christ loves. He loves the sinner, and he loves the one you may not like........He just LOVES! That's what we are to model.

P- Thank you Lord that you love me, and that your love is in me to extend to others, even when I do not know it's being extended. Lord, continue your work in my heart that it may love unconditionally those that I may not like, but you have put them in my path, for a reason. Help me to be the best model for my children, that they may follow those things that are the good in me. Thank you for your love that covers the multitude of sin. Amen

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