Monday, September 6, 2010


by Diana Kriesel

Monday, 9/6/10 – Ezekiel 29-32; Revelation 11 - “Glorious and All-Powerful!”

S – Revelation 11:17 - "We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, the One who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and have begun to reign.” NIV

O – This is a proclamation of God being the Eternal One, always the same, all-powerful, and He has established His Church upon the earth. He has carried forth His glorious purposes amidst all the changes and rebellion that have occurred in the world. The setting up of His Kingdom over all the earth, and causing His laws everywhere to be obeyed, will be among the highest demonstrations of divine power. Nothing can accomplish this but the power of God.

A – It is stunning to read the climax of the ages in these chapters of Revelation! These chapters cause me to be in awe. The idea here is that Jesus has now set up His Kingdom on the earth and has truly begun to reign, and one of the characteristics of the millennium is that God will be obeyed everywhere. So far in the book of Revelation, Christ has been praised as Creator, as Redeemer, and here as King and Judge. So, my application of these verses? To adore Him for Who He is, all He has done and will do in the earth and in my life, for He alone is worthy to be praised.

P- Lord, You amaze me. Who You are drops me to my knees in adoration and worship and praise and thanksgiving. I give you reign in my life, now and forever.

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