Sunday, February 5, 2012


Sunday, February 5, 2011: Exodus39-40, Psalm 15, Acts 12

S: Acts 12: 5 (AMP) – So Peter was kept in prison but fervent prayer for him was persistently made to God by the church.
O: Peter had been arrested and thrown in jail but the church continued to join together and pray for him.
A: Fervent prayer was offered. The definition of fervent is: having or showing great warmth or intensity of spirit, feeling, enthusiasm; hot; burning; glowing. The church did not passively pray for Peter – they prayed with great passion and they prayed persistently without giving up. Are my prayers full of passion? Do I pray persistently or do I give up? Peter was set free by an angel. What miracle in my life am I missing if I don’t allow my passion into my prayer life and if I don’t continue to ask God for my miracle?
P: Father God forgive me for the lukewarm prayer life I have slipped into at times. Father God renew the fire in me. Fill my prayers with passion. Let our time together each day be pleasing to you as it renews my passion for you. You alone are the source of my passion. Transform me into the person you have called me to be. I am clay in your hands.

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