Sunday, February 26, 2012

The unlikely

Sunday, February 26, 2012 – Numbers 19-20; Psalm 28 & Mark 5

S: Mark 5:19 (Amp) – But Jesus refused to permit him but said to him, “Go home to your own family and relatives and friends and bring back word to them of how much the Lord has done for you and how He has had sympathy for you and mercy on you.
O: A man with many demons is healed by Jesus and set free. The townspeople are fearful of what Jesus has done and ask him to leave. The man that used to have demons begs to travel with Jesus but Jesus tells him to go home and tell all that was done for him by the Lord.
A: From demon-possessed to free to evangelist all in the blink of an eye. That’s our Jesus. This town would have missed out on what Jesus was bringing but for one man that Jesus sent home to tell his family and friends what the Lord had done for him. Jesus didn’t send the best, the brightest, the most “holy”. He chose a man who had lived among the tombs and had been possessed by many demons. Not exactly a likely candidate but the only candidate Jesus chose to spread the news of God’s love and mercy. He didn’t tell the man to do extraordinary things – he said “Go home to your family and relatives and friends and bring back word to them of how much the Lord has done for you”. In other words, share your testimony. We don’t need to “be” anything. We don’t need to achieve “super-spiritual” status before God can use us in our homes, our families, our friends. All we need is a heart that’s willing to answer that call of “who shall I send” with the words “send me send me”.
P: Thank you God for your willingness to overlook what the world sees and use the unlikely. Give me words Lord to share my testimony and my life with all those that you place around me. Let me learn to be your light. Amen.

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