Thursday, April 1, 2010


by Cathy Weymouth

Thursday 4/1/10 Judg 11,12; Ps 50; 2 Cor 1 THE REDEMPTIVE GOD OF COMFORT

S- 1 Cor 1:3,4,6MSG   All praise to... God of all healing counsel!  He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us... When we suffer for Jesus, it works out for your healing and salvation.

O - When we suffer in this life, it is never a lost experience if we turn to the Lord to meet us in our need.  He is gracious and kind; loving and gently.  He comforts us and we encounter His love.  And then the extra blessing comes - He is amazing. He uses our experience to help others walking through a similar hardship. He is truly amazing.  How does He coordinate all that?? Our own suffering becomes redemptive.

A - Why do we want so badly to escape when hardship comes?  Why do we want it to end?  Probably because pain is so darn... painful.  If we could remember that our situation is going to be used as a blessing for others, maybe we'd be more likely to embrace what we are going through with a better attitude!

P - Father, as I meet with the young UVM Navigator girls in retreat, use the things you have taught me in my discomfort.  May I be a blessing to them, extending the comfort you have given me.  And may they truly see You in the midst of it!

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