Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday April 15, 2010 1Sam. 17, Psalm 9, Matt. 2 "Be comfortable in YOUR armor"

April 15, 2010 1Sam. 17, Psalm 9, Matt. 2 "Be comfortable in YOUR armor"

S- 1Sam. 17:38 Then Saul dressed David in his own tic. He put a coat of armor on him and a bronze helmet on his head.

O- In this passage, David a servant son of Jesse, was sent to find his brother who had gone to battle against the Philistine's. When he arrived he saw a BIG giant named goliath standing there waiting for someone to step forward and fight. When young David inquired as to what was going on, the other men said the Philistine is challenging one of us to fight him, and we don't know who to send. David, said "I'll go." After much discussion as to why he shouldn't go because of his age, size and inexperience against the giant. David says, I am your servant the one who tends the flock, and goes after the sheep that is lost, against the lions and the bears....It is the Lord who delivers me from the paws of the lions. When Saul agrees, he tried to put his tunic, helmet, and armor on David. But it is awkward and he is not comfortable in someone else's armor. He choose to go into battle with what he is comfortable with.

A- Often times we face challenges and crisis and enter into battle with shields and swords that aren't our own, and don't even feel comfortable using. David was comfortable and confident knowing what was his source of armor and what would keep him from harm.
He was confident in the Lord, because he had already came against battles between lions and bears, and God saved him. That gave him the confidence to fight his battle with what was comfortable for him, and he won. On a personal note, when I am going through something, people can give advice, they can give you scriptures, they can pray for you and I can hear it and receive, but it isn't until I myself hear from God and then get peace about a situation or a decision that I feel confident to go forth in to battle with it. Until them, I am just a sitting duck, just like the Isaraelites thought they were, until the confident one David showed up.

P- Lord, help me to fight my giants with the armor that you have given me, and not to rely on others to pray for a situation and yet not pray myself. Strengthen the armor that you have given me, and allow me to be my simple self, with gifts and talents that were given for your glory, and no one else's. Thank you Lord that you not only fight for us, but with us. Thank you Lord that we are all different, and the gifts, talents, combined together create a wonderful body.

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