Sunday, October 3, 2010

Freedom to Choose

S- Luke 15:5 - "A certain man had two sons ..."

O - Luke 15 is the parable of the Prodigal Son. What I noticed today is that the father allowed his son to make a bad decision and allowed him to face some tough consequences. He didn't try to force him to stay.

Like this father, God gives us free will. He even allows us to make a mess of our lives. So why do we try to force others to do what we want? Why do we use intimidation,anger, or shame to try to control others?

A - I will respect the freewill of others and not try to control them.

P - Lord, thank you for the gift and the responsibility of free will. Help us, and those we love, to make wise decisions. When we make poor decisions, help us to learn from them. Lord we pray for every prodigal that we know. Help them to see their need for You and to freely choose to return to your warm embrace. In Jesus name, Amen!

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