Monday, October 25, 2010


By Mary White

S--Job 16:5 “But my mouth would encourage you; comfort from my lips would bring you relief.

O--Job had lost everything; his family, his home, his land & now his health. He was very discouraged and was in much pain and discomfort. His good friends came to him and instead of bringing him encouragement they lectured and judged him.

A--When a friend finds themselves in a bad situation, financially, physically, and or spiritually, even if they have brought it on by their own bad choices, or not, as a true friend it is my duty and privilege to encourage them, and show them God’s love. Sometimes this is not easy, especially if they have done this repeatedly. It is not my place to judge but to extend God’s love and mercy to them. When our lives seem to be falling apart, we need our friends to rally around us and encourage us in the Lord.

P-- Oh Lord, help me to be a good friend, in good and bad times. Help me to remember your Word which says in Matt. 5:7 “Blessed are the merciful; for they will be shown mercy.”

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