Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday Oct. 18, 2010 Job 3 & 4 Acts 8 & 9

S- "Tests" Job 3:3 "May the day of my birth perish, and the night it was said, "A boy is born!"

O- After 7 days of Satan testing Job, and taking everything except for his love and faithfulness to the Lord, get's pushed to his breaking point. Not only was his family taken, his riches, his land, and even being afflicted with welts to his body.
Job get's to the point where he curses the day he was born, but he does not curse God, or speak badly of Him..... His heart was truly one that just wanted God's will for his life, even in the worst of testings he was faithful. Later through this scripture
he his faith starts shining through and recognizing and knowing the truth about the promises and purpose for his life.

A-Honestly, there are times that I have wished I were never born, BUT....I know, .there are no accidents from God, and there is purpose for every life, and no one is an exclusion. In the tests and the trials, my hope and prayer would be
to have the mind and heart of Job, and his long suffering.....because in the end of the testing and the trials, God prevails and gets al the glory, and restores back 10 fold what the locusts have stolen. As long as I am in God's will.....there is
no place than I would rather be.

P-Father of Heaven and Earth, thank you for the tests and trials that increase our trust and faith in you, and help us to become all we can be for you Lord. Give us strength through every trial and test that comes our way. Draw us close to you Lord, and
never let us go. Give us a longing and a desire to follow you in all of our days, and through all your ways! I love you Lord....thank you for the blessed times and the tough times.

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