Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thursday October 14, 2010 Neh. 11& 12 Ps. 1; Acts. 3 "Blessed"

Thursday October 14, 2010
Neh. 11& 12 Ps. 1; Acts. 3


S-Psalm 1:1 NIV "Blessed is the man"
MSG: How well God must Like You-------

O- The first psalm and it's first word is "Blessed" is the man who does not follow after the world, but chastens after God. Those that separate themselves from the things of the world will be blessed. They will be like a tree, which stands strong and the source of water will come be a direct flow from the Lord, and will bearer much fruit. God will direct the path of those who choose to follow Him, and they will be Blessed.

A- Following the Lord's path is so much more peaceful, than following the path of destruction of the world. Even as a Christian, just being in a place where my heart is critical and judgmental, and everything around me seems to be not going right, because of my choices and my thinking are worldly and not God's way of thinking, it's not's a really bad place to be. It's polluted waters running through my thinking, and it can leak out in every area. Worst part, you do't even know it,sometimes. Life is so much easier and peaceful, when I am in tune and connected with my Father's ways of thinking. That's when my life is truly blessed. Blessings are not about things or money, it's a about peace and happiness.

P-Lord, each day let's start it with praising you and thank you for all of your blessings in my life. Please help me to keep my mid focused on the way you think and the way your see, and my ears to what you hear, and what you would want from me. Control my tongue to speak encouragement and to not be critical or sharp. Guide my direction Lord.......Jesus take the wheel. Amen......I love God's place I'd rather be, and I don't like visiting any where else but His place:)

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