Saturday, July 17, 2010

Bad News/Good News

S - James 1:2 - My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials ..."

O - The bad news according to the book of James is that Christians are not exempt from difficult, discouraging, painful circumstances. Trials are simply part of life on Planet Earth for both nonbeliever and believer alike. The Good News is that we can not only survive trials but thrive and grow because of them. Though we would never choose hardships, if we have God's strength and wisdom, we can grow strong and glorify God in the midst of them.

A - I will not be surprised when I face hardships since they are an expected part of life. I will seek God's strength and wisdom and expect God to work good in me through them.

P - Lord, help me to endure hardship and trial, to "stand fast under pressure", and to emerge from trial a better stronger person, for your name's sake. Amen.

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