Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thursday Dec. 16, 2010 1 Peter 1-5 "Beauty from the inside-out"

Thursday Dec. 16, 2010
1 Peter 1-5

"Beauty from the inside-out"

S-1Peter 3:4 Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.

O-The scripture is telling us, that as women we are not to dress and adorn ourselves with jewels, and make up, rich clothing, to make ourselves JUST beautiful in appearance only. Rather, to take care of our hearts and minds and our inner disposition. That is what is pleasing to God.

A-This scripture is so true. I can look good on the outside, but what God wants to see is the treasures on the inside. When, my mind and my heart are thinking the purest of thoughts, I might as well be walking around with mud all over me. That's not a pretty picture, but neither is the picture of our insides to God, when we are ugly on the inside, and trying to look good on the outside.

P- Father, create in me a clean heart, and a clean mind. Let me meditate on your words in Phil. 4:8..true, pure, holy, noble, lovely
whatever is praise worthy, let me think on these things. Keep my heart pure, from the inside out. Amen.

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