Saturday, December 4, 2010

An Unshakeable Place in God's Heart

S - Ephesians 1:4 - "For He chose us..."

O - Have you ever felt rejected? Overlooked? Maybe it was in grade school, when the kids picked teams at recess and you were picked last? Or maybe you feel uneasy at social gatherings at church or at a work holiday party? Maybe you aren't sure who to talk to or who would want to talk to you.
Today's good news is that you are chosen by God. You are loved. There is One who chose to lavish his love on you, who wants to hear your joys and sorrows. Eph. 4:3 says "And you also were included in Christ."

A - I am chosen, I am included, and I can choose to include others.

P - Thank you God for including me in your heart, your plan, and your purpose. Help me to open wide my heart to you and to others. I want to be like Jesus whose big heart reached out to so many. Lord, I pray today for the rejected and neglected, for the lonely and the insecure. I pray that they would receive a new revelation of what it means to be chosen and loved by God. I pray that they would truly know that they have purpose and worth, and that they have an unshakeable place in your heart. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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