Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Web of Relationships

S- Philemon 1:1-2 - "To Philemon our dear friend and fellow worker, to
Apphia our sister, to Archippas our fellow soldier..."

O - In the book of Philemon, we see a web of relationships. Paul and the people he writes to see themselves as dear friends, fellow workers, soldiers together for the gospel. They have common purpose and deep feelings of connection on many levels. In past generations, Pentecostals addressed each other as "Sister ___" and "Brother ___". In our church, we had Sister Alice, who was known to all by that name.
I am reminded today that we need to see ourselves, both locally and in the church universal, as beloved brothers and sisters, as members of one family. Even if at times, we as siblings quarrel or disappoint each other, we need to hold fast to the truth that we are family.

A - This Sunday as I look out at individuals in the congregation, I will think to myself "This is my brother." and "This is my sister."

P - Holy Spirit, so move among us that the love of God is manifest. Fill us with a spirit of love and a deep sense of family and belonging. In Jesus name, Amen.

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