Tuesday, January 18, 2011


by Cathy Weymouth

Tuesday 1/18/11 Gen 44-46; Luke 18 - BE HUMBLE!

S- Luke 18:9,14 To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable (the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector)...    “I tell you that this man (Tax Collector), rather than the other (Pharisee), went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

O - Jesus described how the Pharisee bragged about his attitude- being thankful he wasn't like others, how he fasted and tithed.  The tax collector cried out as a sinner for God's mercy.  Jesus was emphasizing the point that we may think we know everything, but that attitude isn't productive nor honored by God.  The attitude that God blesses is one of humility.

A- Oh boy, how many times have I thought I knew what was right? How often have I been confident in my opinion?  Do you struggle with that as well? I remember going to a cemetery once, writing the phrase "Self Righteous" on a piece of paper and burying it in the ground! Thats how bad it was. It also helped growing older and becoming more forgetful - because I can't rely on myself and "my knowing" as much as I used to!

P - Father, you cherish a humble attitude.  Sometimes we think we know what is right in a scenario.  Sometimes we become stubborn in our "rightness."  Today I choose to be humble and admit I don't know everything and I don't have my act totally together.  That's why I need You!

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