Sunday, January 30, 2011

Leadership 101

S: Acts 6:3 – Therefore brethren seek out from among you seven men of good good reputation, full of the holy spirit and wisdom whom we may appoint over this business.
O: The requirements for leadership were good reputation, full of the holy spirit and wisdom.
A: The disciples chose leaders carefully. They were to be of good reputation. They were to be full of the Holy Spirit. They were to be wise. These “leaders” were followers. These were men who walked the walk. They were servants. I too need to chose who I follow carefully. Do they walk the walk? Are they full of the Holy Spirit? Do they exhibit wisdom? Do they serve? The best leaders I have known have been servants at heart. God has put people in my life to teach me, to lead me. Some of them I chose. Some chose me. Either way my life has been made richer by having them in it. What if we chose all of our leaders this way – from church boards to leaders of nations? What a world it would be.
P: Father God thank you for the leaders you have put in my life. Thank you for my teachers. Father God thank you for being my ultimate “leader”. Strengthen me Lord that I may not go astray but follow you all the days of my life Amen.

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