Saturday, February 5, 2011

Who do I Honor?

S - Ps. 15:4b "...honors those who fear the Lord, who keeps his oath even when it hurts, who lends his money without usury and does not accept a bribe against the innocent."

O - IN this Psalm, we see what God values. He values character expressed in our day to day life. We should do what is right, be truthful, and use our words not to hurt but to help. We should keep our promises and our integrity. Then the Psalmist delves deeper moving form our outward actions to our inward thoughts, asking us to think about what we value and who we honor? In our society, we often value ability and productivity above character, so we value a profane football player or a singer or actor who is ungodly and indecent. Even in the church, we often honor people with great ability and turn a blind eye to how they treat people and how they live their lives. According to this scripture, we are not to honor vile people, and we are to value and honor people of character. What would it be like if in our homes, our workplaces, our churches, and our media, we took time to honor people of outstanding character?

A - Who can I publically honor today for their character?

P - Lord, help me to be a person of character and a person who actively values and honors people of character?

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