Monday, June 20, 2011

Obedience Beyond Logic

by Diana Kriesel

Monday, 6/20/11 –2 Kings 4,5; Psalm 83; 1 Timothy 2 – “Obedience Beyond Logic”

S– 2 Kings 4:2 - “So Elisha said to her, "What shall I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in the house?" And she said, "Your maidservant has nothing in the house but a jar of oil."

O – This woman cries out to the prophet Elisha, telling him that her husband is dead and the creditor is coming to take her boys as his slaves. Elisha's was eager to help the widow, asking “what do you have in the house?” All she had was a jar of oil. But she followed his instructions, refusing to be limited by her own understanding or logic. Instead of trying to figure it out, or settle for frustration, she did what he said and collected as many jars as possible and poured her oil into all the jars to sell them to pay off her debt. Had she trusted logic, she would have remained it her impoverished condition. Instead, she trusted the word from the prophet and indeed, it was the word from the Lord.

A – How often when we find ourselves in crisis or devastating circumstances we try to figure it out with our logic or understanding. When we trust the Lord, we access His limitless resources and creativity into our lives. We need to begin with trust, and take each step that He leads. The woman stepped out with her little, and God turned it into His much. God sees our need and when we surrender our need to Him and obey His Word, He sets our miracle in motion.

P – Lord, help us to surrender our needs to You. Teach us to trust Your ways even when they defy our logic and understanding. Teach us the joy of trust without limits so that we may access your love without limits!..

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