Sunday, July 3, 2011

"God Friends"

Sunday July 3, 2011
Is. 6 & 7, 2 Chron. 26 & 27, Philem.

S=Scripture O=Observation A=Application P=Prayer
"God Friends"
S-Philemon 1:7 NIV Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the saints.

O- Paul is writing to the Philemon's with much joy for the love and Grace that they extend to the Lord, all his people. Paul calls the Philemon's FRIENDS, and says he prays and thinks of them often with much a joy in his heart for they carry the favor & goodness of God. As a friend, Paul asks a favor, to welcome home his friend Onesimus, and to cancel his debts, if any owed.

A- In my application of this scripture, it inspires me to be one that knows God and His will & love for His people, to be a carrier of His grace and Favor. To love and to accept those, and to not hold a debt of repayment over anyone's head. God does not hold me to pay back anything for the things that I have done wrong, therefore nor should I do that to anyone......not just believer's but non-believers as well. His grace is sufficient for me, and for everyone else too. I also love that Paul says when he thinks & prays about the Philemons, he feels much joy and peace. Those are the best kind of friend to have, because they are the ones that you can ask a favor of in a time of need, and they will be there. I consider them GOD friends:)

P- Lord I thank your for all my God friends. The ones that when I think of them not only do they bring joy to my heart, but also to yours. I ask that you bless each one of them for the servant in them and for the heart that you created in be ambassadors for you, and to love and accept not only me but others unconditionally. Thank you for
God friends.

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