Thursday, July 14, 2011

Is. 19-21 Heb. 11 "Because God says so"

Thursday July 14, 2011
S-scripture O-observation A-application P-prayer
Is. 19-21 Heb. 11
"Because God says so"
S-Heb. 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

O-This is a letter to the hebrews giving many examples of believer's who believed in their faith in God, and exercised it. Even though they could not see what was being asked of them, they believed in God and had faith in what he was asking them to do. Faith is the mark of God's servants. You cannot please God without faith.

A- Sometimes God will ask me to do some pretty crazy stuff. How about you? Have you ever just looked up and said "really want me to what?" I have, and it's so awesome when you do it, and then you see the why, and you know it is God. When I say crazy in the way, that it doesn't make sense as to why a person would do some of the things he asks. Why would anyone reach into their wallet and send money to someone they don't even know? Well, because God puts it on your heart, and my faith says, if God puts it on my heart, the details of the who?, why?, and how come?, do not matter. The answer when you have faith is, because God said so. Faith is not a coincidence.

P-Father, thank you for faith. We can't see it, we just need to believe in it. Thank you that with it we are pleasing to you. Strengthen me in my faith when I am lacking, and to trust in you with all my heart. I love seeing examples of people trusting in the faith in you.......I am thankful! Thank you! Amen

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