Tuesday, February 9, 2010


by Cathy Weymouth

Tuesday 2/9/10 - Lev 10-12; Acts 16 BREAK FORTH INTO SINGING!

S- Acts 16: 25-26 MSG/NIV Along about midnight, Paul and Silas were at prayer and singing a robust hymn to God.  The other prisoners couldn't believe their ears.  Then, without warning, a huge earthquake!  The jailhouse tottered, every door flew open, all the prisoners were loose (their chains came loose! ).

O- Paul and Silas were in Philippi; the Holy Spirit had lead them to European regions. Unfortunately they weren't received well and were publicily beaten and put in jail, bound by chains in maximum security.  In their pain and bound state, they chose to sing!  It reminds me of the scripture in Is 54:1 MSG,  "Sing O barren woman, who has never had a baby.  Fill the air with song, you who've never experienced childbirth!  You're ending up with far more children than all those childbearing women." God says so!

A- Let us sing in our time of need.  Let us birth forth with song!  Not only did Paul and Silas get free, but the jailer, who had been tempted to kill himself, and his family were saved and baptized that very night! Sing over your checkbook, your body in need of healing, your children in the night, your marriage, your job, etc.  Let's worship the Lord!  Your chains just might come loose!

P- Thank you Lord for such amazing praise and worship music we have at our disposal; for mp3 players and stereo systems, cd's and downloadable music, christian radio stations and instruments to play on!  I choose to sing today!


  1. It says in Acts 16, that when they were praying and singing at midnight, the prisoners were listening to them. The Greek for this word listening means "to listen with pleasure." In that dark, brutal prison where the sounds might be the groans and curses of the prisoners was filled with the sound of worship, the sound of heaven and of hope. It reminds me of when I was in Romania and we went into a hospital ward where children were dying of AIDs. Ugly tumors disfigured young faces. A little boy with dark eyes moaned in pain and then one little boy asked to share a song. He sang a gospel chorus in his high little boy voice and it was as if heaven was in that room, in that place of dying. We release heaven. We release hope when we worship in our dark times.

  2. Thanks Sue, good word. I need that today.
