Monday, February 8, 2010

Sunday February 7, 2010 Acts 14 Lev. 4-6 Ministering to win the lost ...

Robin Danaher
S- Acts 14:22 (NIV) Strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith, "We must go through many hardships to enter the Kingdom of God," they said. (MSG.)Anyone signing up for the kingdom of God has to go through plenty of hard times."
O- Paul and Barnabas set out through the land to preach the good news about God. Some would listen and their hearts would be changed, until those that were unbeliever's whispered doubt and confusion and lies in their ears. Then their hearts would change back against God, and the good news that was being preached. Many people came against what they had to say. They were determined that the message they were bringing was far greater than the sacrifice and adversity to the point of possible death.
A- Going through life as a Christian, it can be very difficult to keep your walk with God straight and focused on God, because the enemy can use people to whisper in your ear to lead you astray. Ministering God's word to the lost and the hurting, at times comes with risk and cost. Have you ever had someone turn against you when all you were trying to do is show them the WAY & the Life? Paul picked himself up, even close to being dead brushed himself off, and went back to preaching the Good News of God's love, and to put down all the idles and sacrifices look to God. Paul could tell when the hearts were right, to receive God's love and God's healing he looked in the eyes and in the hearts of man, and with their FAITH, they were healed by God through HIS apostles.
P- Father help us to not count the cost and not to fear rejection when it comes to ministering to the lost & the hurting. Please help us to build confidence and boldness to be an apostle and ambassador for You, Lord Jesus. Teach us your ways and not our ways. Teach me to hold my tongue and listen with my ears and look for the hearts with our eyes. Let us see what you See. Amen

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