Monday, February 15, 2010


by Diana Kriesel

Leviticus 25; Psalm 25-26; Acts 22–

S— Ps 25:14- “The LORD confides in those who fear him; He makes his covenant known to them.”[ NIV] The Message Bible says it this way: “God-friendship is for God-worshipers; they are the ones he confides in.”

O— The word ‘confides’ here is also translated ‘secret’. It speaks of the picture of a couch, or a setting where friends come together and share intimate conversation. There is the sense that those who fear the Lord enjoy intimate friendship with Him. This intimacy comes out of a reverent worship for God.

A—I love the Message translation that says that “God-friendship is for God-worshipers.” The deeper our love for God, the more we worship…the more we worship, the deeper our love and reverence grows; and we are drawn into even deeper intimacy with God. Result? We are closer to His heart; we hear Him more clearly and come to know His ways that…draw us back to worship. If only we would understand the power of true worship and not just DO worship but our lives BECOME worship.

P—Lord we want to know You more, love You more deeply, honor You in every way possible, and become vessels of worship that bring honor and glory to Your Name.

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