Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thursday April 28, 2011 2 Sam. 3; 1 Chron . 12, Matt. 15 "Soap Your Mouth"

Thursday April 28, 2011
2 Sam. 3; 1 Chron . 12, Matt. 15
"Soap Your Mouth"
S-Matt 15:11 What goes into a man's mouth does not make him "unclean," but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him "unclean."

O- Jesus is talking about the clean and unclean, and clearly stating that what you put in is not what unholy, but what comes out.

A- Whoah, that was good! When we feed ourselves with the word, that is what goes in. We say evil things sometimes. It's not always intentional, but stuff comes out of our mouths that are unclean. This is not talking about our hearts, because our hearts can hide the evil intentions, but our mouths speak our true thoughts and feelings. Our mouths are the true test of our walk. Jealousy, anger, vindictiveness, self all start here, in the mouth. Out of our mouths, the truth!

P- Lord, my mouth can be so ugly at times, brush my teeth and scope my mouth with your righteous, and fill my heart with pure thoughts, to come out of my lips. Create in me a clean heart, mind and spirit, so that my mouth doesn't pollute my thoughts with ugly truth of what I am thinking. Thank you Lord for your unconditional Love over all of us, that you see us without judgement.......then why should we speak judgement. Teach us Lord your ways. Amen

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