Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Don't Settle

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 – Ezekiel 8-1; Revelation 4 – Don’t Settle

S: Ezekiel 11:12 (MSG) – Instead of following my ways you’ve sunk to the level of the laws of the nations around you.
O: Jerusalem had sunk to the level of the nations around it by engaging in idolatry, deceitfulness, murder & all other kinds of sin.
A: God’s ways are not mankind’s ways. We are not called to “settle” for the behavior of the nations around us (or even the people around us). God has a higher calling for you and for me. We are called to live a life set apart from the rest of the world. People should be able to look at our lives and without asking know that we follow Jesus. Maybe they don’t even know who Jesus is but they should be able to tell that there is something different about us. This resonates inside of me. Does my life look different? Do I cut corners? Am I pleasing man or God? Do I measure my behavior by the standards of the world or God? If I am truly in love with the creator of the universe my only desire should be to please Him.
P: Father God reveal to me any areas of my life where I am “settling” for the world’s definition of right and wrong and not yours. My desire is to live my life completely sold out to you. Let my life clearly reflect your light. Amen.

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