Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I Like Martha!

by Cathy Weymouth

Tuesday 8/9/11 - Jer 3,4; John 11 - I Like Martha!

S - John 11:20-21 JBP When Martha heard that Jesus was on his way, she went out to meet him..."If only you had been here, Lord," said Martha, "my brother would never have died."

O - Martha had faith in Jesus and His protective power and authority.  Martha often gets a bad rap because of the account in Luke 10 about her being busy cooking while her sister Mary was sitting at the Lord's feet listening to him.

A - I like Martha!  She speaks her mind, clearly, directly and without inhibition! When Jesus instructs them to take away the stone blocking Lazarus' grave, she says in verse 39, "But Lord, he has been dead four days.  By this time he will be decaying..."  I applaud Martha today for her forthrightness and honesty.  She loves Jesus and is completely real and transparent with him.  Good for you, Martha!  May we be like you in this way.

P - Father, we come to you boldly and honestly.  I pray that we not hold back how we are feeling but are simply ourselves, true to our nature, being ourselves with you.  Free us up, Lord! Amen.

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