Saturday, August 20, 2011

"Sing For Joy!"

Saturday, 8-20,2011 – Jeremiah 48,49; Psalms 67; 1 John 1 - “Sing for Joy”

S=Scripture; O=Observation; A=Application; P=Prayer

S – Psalms 67:4 “Oh, let the nations be glad and sing for joy! For You shall judge the people righteously, And govern the nations on earth. Selah.”

O – The psalmist in recognizing God as the righteous judge who will one day govern all the nations on the earth.

A – To be righteous. If you were to look this word up in the dictionary (always behaving according to a religious or moral code)it wouldn’t take you long to realize that as a nation or nations we fall short of observing the standards set forth by our Heavenly Father. We open up our newspapers or turn on our televisions to see that if anything injustice has run ramped in our society as we know it today. It can bring a sense of “gloom and doom”, but God! As the psalmist writes in his song, “Oh let the nations be glad and sing for joy!” As His people we have something to sing about! We can look beyond what we see and hear today and rejoice in knowing that one day He is coming to rule and reign over the nations and all the earth.

P- Heavenly Father, we rejoice in knowing You as the righteous Judge, the righteous One, who will one day rule and reign over all the earth. We look for that day. We bow our hearts and our will before you and say, Your kingdom come, Your will be done.

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