Tuesday, September 13, 2011

An Intimate Shepherd

by Cathy Weymouth

Tuesday 9/13/11 Exekiel 33-35; Revelation 18 - An Intimate Shepherd

S - Exekiel 34: 11-12 MSG, God, the master, says: From now on I myself am the shepherd.  I'm going looking for them.  As shepherds go after their flocks when they get scattered, I'm going after my sheep.  I'll rescue them from all the places they've been scatter to in the storms.

O - The Lord is speaking of His flock, Israel.  But I believe we can take this as a personal word as well.

A - Jesus is our Shepherd.  He cares intimately for us.  He is interceding for us even now. We have One over us who even sends us God Hugs - intimate expressions of His care and love.  While traveling to Phoenix recently by car, we experienced 4 amazing sunsets... gifts to this Vermont girl who so loves nature and beauty in God's creation.

P - Lord, thank you that you are an intimate Shepherd.  I so love that you know all about me and you love me as I am. As your word promises, please rescue us in the storms of life; show us your Care and Concern.  Thank you for the amazing Shepherd that you are. Amen.

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