Saturday, September 24, 2011

“Simon I Have Something To Say To You”

Saturday, 9- 24, 2011 – Ezra 1; Ps. 84, 85: Lk. 7

S=Scripture; O=Observation; A=Application; P=Prayer

“Simon I Have Something To Say To You”

S – Luke 7:40 “And Jesus answered and said to him, “Simon I have something to say to you.” So, he said, “Teacher say it.”

O – Simon the Pharisee was observing the woman at Jesus’ feet. She was washing His feet with her tears and wiping them dry with her hair. Simon knew what type of woman she was and speaking out loud to himself was challenging Jesus’ abilities to discern what manner of woman was touching Him, but Jesus knowing the heart and thoughts of every man took this opportunity to bring Simon into the classroom of parables.

A – Every day the Lord has “something to say to us”, something new to change our hearts reaction to whatever the Lord feels we need to learn. His teachings will come through His Word. It may be in times of prayer as we listen for His still small voice. It could be through the words or actions of others, or maybe even through the mouth of a donkey! We don’t know Simon’s heart response to what the Lord was teaching him about himself, but we do know that he wanted to hear what the Lord had to say when he said, “Teacher say it.” What about our response, to the Lord when he is trying to teach us. Are we listening? Do we posses that teachable spirit? Having a teachable spirit will require a willingness to hear what the Spirit has to say, and a heart willing to change.

P – Lord I ask that I will always have a teachable spirit. That my heart will be open and willing to change in the areas where you are teaching me to be like you. Amen

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