Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Battle

S: Joshua 7:13 - There is an accursed thing in your midst, O Israel; you cannot stand before your enemies until you take away the accursed thing from among you.

O: The Israelites were claiming their inheritance – claiming the land the Lord had promised them. In their first battle they claimed victory. But the second time they went to battle they were beaten badly. What was the difference? Sin.

A: I personally might not be marching into battle. I may not even think I have enemies. But don’t we all as Christians face off with an Enemy every day? An Enemy that seeks to destroy us, to see us fail in our mission? Just as the Israelites lost the battle because they had sin & disobedience in their hearts. So will I fail if I entertain sin or disobedience inside of me. It’s easy to justify – after all “everybody” else is doing it. We think we get away with it because “no one will know”. The Enemy I face every day doesn’t march at me with sword drawn so that I can see him coming – instead he comes at me with “justified anger” “offense”, “hurt feelings” – the list goes on and on. If I’m not careful I’m trapped before I know it and then the sword comes out. The only way I know to face off with this Enemy is through prayer, repentance, accountability, transparency….. If we obey the voice of God, seek the face of God and humble ourselves before God we will always win the battle.

P: Father God I pray you strengthen me for the spiritual battle I am engaged in every day. It is only through you that I will taste victory. Position me Lord so that I can help those around me who are fighting their own battles. Help me to encourage them, pray for them and wade right into battle with them. Examine my heart Lord and root out anything that is not pleasing to you. Let my victory in battle be a testimony to all who see it to the power of your love. Amen.

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