Sunday, March 13, 2011

Daddy God

S: Galatians 4:6-7: And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out “Abba Father”. Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.
O: God has placed the spirit of sonship inside of us.
A: God longs to hear us call out to him “Daddy”. He wants the intimacy that a father has with his child. That we will freely approach him with everything in our lives – the big stuff and the little stuff. We must choose freedom. We are faced every day with people, places and things that will lead us back to a life of bondage. If the path ahead of you leads to bondage it is not of God. God wants each one of us to come to the realization of who we are – his sons and daughters and begin to live our lives from that place. To live our lives as sons and daughters of the most high king – knowing that our inheritance is intact and waiting for us, whether or not we make a few mistakes along the way. God’s love for us is real and will lead to approach his throne with abandon and throw ourselves into the lap of our “Daddy God” where he will love us, correct us, teach us and guide us into a life of freedom, peace and joy.
P: Thank you Daddy God for the Spirit of your son which is inside of me. I cry out to you Daddy God to invade my heart, my spirit, my mind. Set me free of anything in my life that holds me back from walking your freedom. Use me to bring your freedom to those around me. I love you Daddy God.

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