Sunday, October 23, 2011


Sunday, October 23, 2011 – Job 13, 14; Acts 17, 18


S: Acts 18:9 – Now the Lord spoke to Paul in the night by a vision: “Do not be afraid but speak and do not keep silent; for I am with you and no one will attack you and hurt you; for I have many people in this city.

O: Paul had literally been “run out of town” on several occasions for trying to preach Jesus Christ. God is encouraging him to continue to share the good news.

A: Poor Paul. Everywhere he went he seemed to leave running for his life. There were certain people who Paul had taught who were blind to the truth and instead stirred up people against Paul. Yet these very people are partially responsible for the spread of the gospel. If Paul had not had to flee to another city he might have gotten comfortable and decided to stay for a while. It was the persecution that threatened Paul at every step that in essence propelled Paul from place to place preaching the good news along the way. This has been true in my life too. Now I have not been “run out of town” as Paul was but there have been times when I have gotten “comfortable” and would have stayed in that place for a while if it were not for some unforeseen circumstances that shot me out of that “comfort zone” like a scalded cat. There has been not one circumstance in my life that God has not been able to use to his glory. God has not called me to give up when things get tough but to keep putting one foot in front of the other and “speak and not be silent”. God does not give me the courage and strength to walk through my circumstances in advance. I am never “ready”. I find strength from walking through whatever situation I face with my eyes on God and God alone.

P: Father God I thank you for all the circumstances I used to complain about. The events and situations in my life that have propelled me forward. Give me your words to speak Lord that as long as I have breath in my body I will continue to fall forward and speak boldly of you as Paul did. Amen.

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